I’ve seen plenty of posts about New Year Resolutions, but I don’t really tend to buy into the whole New Year New Me theory. You are still you, but for me, January 1st good date to use as a starting point for new goals for myself. Over time, I have come to believe that, as people, we need maintenance, sort of like cars. I’m talking about tune ups and routine checks on almost every aspect of our lives. I mean everything. Parenting skills, relationships with friends, our marriages, and most importantly ourselves.
When I look back at my posts from last year, especially my first post of the year, I remember those feelings of uncertainty going into to 2017. I’ve made it a point to abstain from political rants via this platform, but I felt a need to speak up. And honestly if I hadn’t mentioned the situation, it would have been an 800 pound gorilla in the room. Many of my friends, some family members and even readers had opposing views, which sparked negativity and ill will. In fact, I lost some followers aftermath, and even friends. While, at first, I was devastated, I’ve come to realize that I needed to stay true to myself, which is why Siella and I marched last January.
2017 was twelve months riddled with natural and man made disasters. The hurricanes which ravaged Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico and the Caribbean seem like forever ago for some, but we can not forget those people struggling to build back their homes and lives, while potentially dealing with the loss of loved one. Having had family devastated by Hurricane Sandy five years ago, my prayers are still with these communities. Here is the post I wrote about the hurricanes, with some ways you can still offer assistance.
And let’s no forget about Las Vegas. I still cringe when I think about it, enraged that action has yet to be taken to change gun laws,which you can find here. With its staggering death toll in a single incident, it makes you reflect on your mortality, and how precious each day on earth can be. Any one of us could have been a victim to such a senseless crime.
While I did share my views on these difficult situations last year, I did focus on my children and their happiness. I needed to sometimes shut out what was happening and be the best mother I can be to my little people. Ryder and Siella are definitely aware and we’ve had many conversations, but I also made it a point to not stress them out about this weird climate we are living in.
I feel blessed that I can say the kids are happy and thriving. Ryder experienced the most changed last year, braving three weeks of sleep away camp, and a new school in September, which has worked wonders for him. Finally, he has class environment where can learn and grow. With this, his self confidence has soared, but make no mistake, we are definitely not out of the woods yet. He still has some hurdles to climb, but we are headed in the right direction.
Siella took on first grade, continued gymnastics and dance, while adding a weekly sewing class to her work load. Her schedule is no joke, considering she has back to back lyrical and hip hop classes. She played in the Downtown Soccer league, and I was happy to sponsor her sweet team, which donned the named Stroller In The City on her jersey. I love that she longs to be involved in everything, but I want her to pace herself as they years progress, especially as school work becomes more demanding.
Gemma continues to be the comedian of the family. Pre-k has been an easy transition, because she seems to be into learning. She too is enrolled in gymnastics, and continued her weekly hip hop as well. Her dance school demonstration day is coming up soon, so I can’t wait to share some of these sweet tiny dancers. Her sleep pattern however leaves much to be desired. Each night she seems to find her way into bed, which affects my sleep big time. This needs to change. Quick!
Jason continues to travel, but he’s made every effort to sneak home whenever possible, even if it’s just a day or two over the weekend. He’s had some pretty cool locations last year like South Africa and Prague, so I think I’ll be definitely be tagging along for a portion of the next trip! We are planning a trip sans kids, and I can not wait to share more about this!
As for me, I’m really working on self care. For some reason, this has been extremely difficult, and I can’t for the life of me tell you why. Our new schedule, with marathon school drop offs across town doesn’t really leave much time for me, but I’m working on it. I have a list of doctor checkups needed, and I plan get the appointments all situated before the end of the month. I know, I keep saying I am going to look after myself in all these posts, but this time I mean it. I hope.
As a family, traveling together has become an obsession and priority. Last year, we had lots of ski trips, a visit to Lake George, and two trips to Disney, even a cruise. If we weren’t flying somewhere, we were in the car, on a train, or hopping a ferry to the beach. Be it a day trip to Coney Island, or a week out east, enjoying the sand and ocean was a must. With varying school breaks in three different schools, travel plans for this year are still in flux, but my focus is all about discovering new places. Especially international travel.
As a blog, I will strive to continue bringing you new finds, and work with brands that I believe in. I’ve brought on a writer who will focus on baby gear, because not only do I love a new stroller, but don’t want to lose focus with what brought me here, just because my children are getting older. Julie, mother of two, a girl almost three, and a six months old darling baby boy, welcome to the team. So everyone don’t fret, fashion for moms and kids, travel, city living, and everyday lifestyle, like our book series are still the focus. 2017 kicked off the vlog series for SITC. These will continue in this new year, and their frequency will increase, especially when we have traveled somewhere awesome. So be sure to follow the SITC youtube channel.
So, I want to hear from you. What else would like out of Stroller In The City? Q&A’s, more talk about marriage, NYC tips? And thank you for the continued support, as this blog rolls into its 9th year!
Let the natural disasters and mass shootings be the past, as we work love each other, come together, and better ourselves. Here’s to 2018!
A post shared by Brianne Manz (@strollerinthecity) on
19 thoughts on “Bring It 2018”
I felt 2017 was an amazing turning point in a lot of people’s lives, both personally and professionally. I’ve lost friends and a few family members to political differences as well. It’s something I’ve learned to refrain from voicing on social media.
Boy do I know what you mean about the political differences in 2017. Wowza what a rough year. So many things that made 2017 memorable but so many of those were heartbreaking items.
Love that you wrote your year in reflection post like this — it felt like one of those long Christmas card letters, updating friends about the family! Have a wonderful 2018!
I’m glad to say goodbye to 2017 and hope that 2018 is a better year for me personally and professionally.
It is great we all made it through the year, but those tragedies are sad to recall. I think the new year is a great time to take stock in your life and career and challenge yourself and make the necessary changes.
While 2017 was ok for me personally, our nation and our country got hit with a lot of bad things. I am ready to say bye bye to all of that!
Hope you had a fabulous 2017 and will have an even brighter 2018! I agree with the self care aspect, that’s something I’m definitely taking to heart this new year. Wishing you and your family the best!
Wow, congrats on 9 years for the blog! And I agree, I’m not a big fan of resolutions in the sense of starting over, but I like to use the time to reflect and plan for new goals. Cheers to 2018!
it looks like you had such a great 2017. but i’m with you, i’m ready for 2018!
2017 really to flare up political tension. I’d never spent too much time thinking about how my friends approach politics. But this year really brought up strong feelings for lots of us. Hopefully 2018 isn’t nearly as dramatic.
I still can’t believe it’s 2018. I have so many goals for our family and I hope things get better this year!
I hope 2018 brings an end to all things mass in the USA. What a heartbreaking hear 2017 was to watch on tv. I don’t have many goals this year for Myseld but am hoping 2018 brings great things to all!
What a year 2017 was for you! For me, it was a mixed bag. Started off terribly, but ended on a high. I’m looking forward to seeing what 2018 has to offer. Hope you have a great year!
Last year was definitely not good for a lot of the US and I really hope that some things can get done especially some kind of gun control. I don’t have any major goals for 2018 but I hope that everyone has a great 2018!
We spent a lot of time during 2017 striving to find our “silver linings,” as we were presented with some significant struggles, both personally and in our greater community. I am hoping that 2018 will be a little less stressful, but in any case, as long as we’re all still breathing, there is Hope.
This is a beautiful post! Love the reflections, love your honesty. I too look forward to the new year for the opportunities, and not necessarily a new person. Looking forward to your posts this yeat.
Happy New Year. That’s so exciting that you are adding a member. Can’t wait to read her contributions.
2017 was a challenging year in many ways, but we’ve made it through. I’m glad you stayed true to yourself despite the opposing views. Here’s to a better 2018.
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