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11 New Year’s Goals For Family & Self Care

New Year’s Resolutions are challenging in and of themselves, let alone living in New York City with three growing children! Something my family members and I always think is a great way to make positive changes and improve both physical health and mental health in the upcoming year is to set attainable goals. Breaking a bad habit can be difficult, but only good things can come out of it. A few of the best ways to reach a good goal or new year resolutions are to pick up a new hobby, put your cell phones down at the dinner table, get a gratitude journal, start positive self-talk, take vitamins and stick to physical activity that will make you feel good.

Healthy habits can begin with small steps! Even if you all have busy schedules, there is always time to start self-care resolutions. The emotional health and health benefits in general that come from even just a small change is massive. Creating a list of resolutions and effective ways to take on the new year is a great place to start for the whole family. I am constantly on the go and routine is important with raising kids, so I’ve pulled together some less time consuming goals and tools to help achieve better self care.

Daily Harvestย – Daily Harvest is a great solution to add healthy options into a diet. Setting goals or resolutions about dieting can be unrealistic and often backfire, but Daily Harvest has easy, quick, and healthy meal options, that make for a really easy transition or implementation.

Ritual Vitaminsย – Vitamins are hit or miss for many people. I’ve found that finding just one good vitamin that works for my body is better than nothing! I’ve noticed a difference after taking the vitamins that Ritual has to offer. They are also minty in taste and don’t make me feel sick if I have to take them right before running out the door!

Glacce Crystal Elixir Water Bottleย – Staying hydrated improves everything from your skin to balancing your mood throughout the day. Finding a good water bottle that you can use throughout your day to day life will help you maintain your water intake, as well as save you money in the long run! It’s an easy way to get a fresh start and baby steps towards taking better care of yourself. I love this pure crystal stone one creates an elixir that supports revitalization and clarification of the mind and body.

Yoga Matย – Yoga mats can be used for many things other than Yoga. Creating a space to meditate, do simple stretches, or of course to exercise is important. Living in New York, a yoga mat is the perfect thing to create a workout space without taking up a ton of room!

One Line A Day Journalย – Creating memories with the kids is one of the biggest parts of my life. I love capturing these moments through a lens, however, sometimes writing them down helps to reflect a little deeper than a quick glance at a photo. These One Line A Day Journals are easy and don’t require a lot of time and commitment.

1 Second Everyday: Video Diaryย – This app is similar to the One Line A Day journal except you can carry it around with you and snap 1 second videos to document a quick memory. At the end of the year you can string these videos together to see your favorite moment, how you’ve changed, or anything you’d like to remember!

Plannerย – Finding a good planner, electronic or paper, accustomed to a your day to day life is important to stay on track. Having a planning system doesn’t require a pretty planner or expensive electronic device, it can be as easy as a notebook and pen, but having a system that works for you is essential to staying on track and achieving goals.

Lillypostย – Subscription box for reading and bonding with your children. This subscription box sends books to whatever preference you’ve selected to read with your little ones. Having a routine that inspires learning and family bonding is something I always like to have!

Audibleย – Reading has become a luxury with the time it requires, but reading is something I absolutely love to do! With audible, I can keep up with my reading while I’m on the go!


Mindfulness Cardsย – New York is known for its rapid lifestyle and constant hustle. Learning how to be mindful, present, and in the moment and taking the time to do so can present its challenges, but with these cards it can become a fun family activity that’s also educational and beneficial.

Headspace: Meditationย ย – ย Headspace is an app that helps you meditate for short bursts of time that you might have while sitting in a taxi, on the train, or for the five minutes before your kids get out of school. This tool helps to implement meditating throughout a busy lifestyle, without requiring a large amount of time that you might not have!


For more New Years content, visit here!

This post was originally published Oct. 28 2018

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7 thoughts on “11 New Year’s Goals For Family & Self Care”

  1. That one second video snap is intriguing. I’m going to have to do that this year! I’ve also been considering audible so I can catch up on my ever growing wish list of books I want to get to. I could listen in the car or as I clean.

  2. Hey I love your posts, very inspirational and your family look gorgeous, very family goals ;P I want a boy and two girls too!
    Love this, I need a new planner and bits!

  3. This all sounds like a great way to start the year! How has Headspace been going? I saw the app too but I haven’t tried it myself but it could help me start and end my day with some healthy meditation.

  4. I got a beautiful planner as a gift. I considered regifting (planners just sit around not used at my place) but I think I’m going to give it a whirl for the new year and see how I like using it.

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