We are in full on holiday mode around here. The kids have been non stop all weekend long decorating our house. They put up a little tree in their bedroom, along with our big real tree in our family room. It truly is the most exciting time of the year!
Every holiday season, I pick up matching pajamas for them, even for Jason and I. Like me, my kids love pajamas especially festive ones! This year, I chose these plaid night gowns for the girls, and plaid set for Ryder from The Company Store.
For the 6th year in a row, The Company Store has partnered with Ronald McDonald House New York, to host the annual National Family Pajama Night. The event, held back in November, helped fund RMH’s mission to provide a temporary home away from home, for children undergoing active treatment for pediatric cancer. When I learned about The Company Store’s involvement with the charity, I was very eager to be supportive of the brand, as I’ve worked with the RMH for the past few years.
The Company Store has a great selection for the entire family this holiday season! Ryder, Siella, and Gemma just love their new jammies that they will be sure to wear on Christmas morning! Happy Holidays!