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New Gear, New Year with 4MOMS {& GIVEAWAY}

It’s amazing how the years go on and the baby gear products just continue to evolve. If only I had half of these innovative products to choose from when I first had Ryder. I remember being pregnant with Siella when 4moms first introduced the mamaRoo. I knew I had to own one, it was such a cool looking swing and took up way less space than the one we had prior. I also remember thinking, wow finally a company has put something on the market that doesn’t look like an elephant in your living room, literally!


And after Siella, I passed along the mamaRoo to Gemma. This tiny and cute device was such a life saver for me when the girls were little. I remember being able to switch on the motion and white noise, and immediately they would go off to sleep. And from the mamaRoo, I discovered the 4moms Origami Stroller and Breeze Playard, which we still use today. And keeping on the innovative path 4moms just introduced this year the rockaRoo.

rockaRoo giveaway

The rockaRoo is an infant seat like no other. The 4moms rockaRoo flips the traditional swing on its head and moves like a rocking horse, which maximizes the sensation of motion for baby. It moves like a rocking horse to maximize a baby’s sensation of motion. At 70 percent smaller than a typical swing, it also is significantly less clutter. It features five speeds, an mp3 hookup and reversible toy balls. Babies like variety of motion and 4moms has now given parents more options, from the natural bouncing and swaying motions of the mamaRoo to the rocking motion of the rockaRoo. A rocking motion is more optimal than a swinging motion because it creates a greater sense of motion in a child’s inner ear, where motion is sensed, than a traditional swing.

photo 1

Some of the same features the rockaRoo and mamaRoo share are the ability to plug in a phone or mp3 player, so you can play your favorite music for your little one. Both seats are compatible with a newborn insert accessory that can provide a more secure feeling to newborn and smaller babies. And also have a mobile attachment with soft toy balls that are removable for the babies to interact with as they start to become more interested in objects and touch.

4moms know exactly what babies (& mommy’s) need, and I am so excited to have teamed up with them to offer one lucky Stroller In The City reader their very own rockaRoo!

The rockaRoo, available later this month, comes in classic grey for $159, and both multi and silver plush for $179. Visit www.4moms.com for more information.

4moms rockaRoo


Leave a comment below telling me why you want to win the rockaRoo by 4moms

Additional Entries:

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Follow SITC on Pinterest and Pin the image above with #SITC4MOMS

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Leave a comment for each entry.

Contest will run today through January 14th 6pm EST. Giveaway is open to only to US entries. Good Luck!


4moms is also hosting a 31 Days of rockaRoo daily giveaway throughout January visit here to enter! 
*****1/15/14 Winner has been chosen.. CONGRATS TO JOANN LARSON 
SITC was not compensated for this post but did receive a product sample for the purpose of this review 

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1,340 thoughts on “New Gear, New Year with 4MOMS {& GIVEAWAY}”

    1. I would love to win this for my son. He loves to be rocked, held and carried around. Did I mention this is 24/7? He loved the motions and thus is the only way to get him to sleep. It would be a huge relief for me to have something that would help soothe him and get him asleep rather than my aching wrist from all the carrying around!
      Also would help since I’m not working and on one paycheck for us its hard to get these kind of things with a budget!
      I promise my little guy would be thankful (and myself as well) 🙂

    2. I liked your facebook page and also I have already liked 4moms. That is how I found out about your page!!
      I would like to win this for our daughter who is expecting her first child and our first grandchild in June. She will be a single parent and having an extra source to help with comforting the baby would be great! She had terrible colic as a baby and I remember some days I would cry more than she did, but I had her dad to help take some of the burden of new parenthood. I worry how she will do it on her own.
      This would be an awesome gift to help her get through those difficult first few months.

  1. I would love to win this for our upcoming baby. Our son is 10
    And things have come such a long way since we had him.

  2. I would love to have one because we just started out family and plan in having many more and the swing we have is a hand me down that my baby hates! Anything to soothe her would help.

  3. I would love to win this to hopefully help my daughter sleep. I am a first time mom and trying to figure out the sleeping situation isn’t fun. Our daughter doesn’t like to sleep at all, hopefully with one of these she might drift off into sleepyland 🙂

    1. hi Liz, if you dont win the mamaroo—try the fisherprice soothing motions glider..it functions very similarly to the mamaroo and costs $80 instead of $200! of course, it is not quite as fancy as mamaroo..but you will get sleep!

  4. I would love this for our new baby boy being born in late April. It would help so much while taking care of our two year old.

  5. I would love to have this swing! I have a 2 and a half year old and her toys take up much of the space where we would have to put our huge, old school, hand me down swing from my first daughter. This swing is so much more aesthetically pleasing and functional. It would be nice to have at least ONE new thing for the new baby girl 😉

  6. I would love to win this because I’m due in May with our 3rd and I didn’t save any of our baby stuff so we’re starting from scratch! I love that this swings is so much more compact compared to the full size swings, we have a very small house so that’s important for us. 🙂

  7. I would love this. Our daughter loves to be rocked and her swing is dying since our older girls have decided they needed to swing in it too. It would be great to be able to be hands free to get some things done every once in a while.

  8. Brittney Salisbury

    This is by far the coolest and cutest swing we looked at while registering. I loved how smooth and quiet it was while in motion. I didn’t receive one at my shower so winning one for my LiL Liam (due Feb. 14th) would be sweet!

  9. I have heard so many wonderful things about it and how much babies like it. I think it would be a great addition for my baby.

  10. I would love to WIN one for my new born son.This would be the perfect sizr for in my house since i live in a very small house with not a lot of room.

  11. Would love to win this for my lo right now and for the more to come in the future! We have a mamaroo but I love 4moms products sooo much!!! An amazing company!!!

  12. Our baby number 3 arriving in the summer was a surprise and we love 4moms. A rockaroo will be very helpful since I will still have a 20 month old in the house.

  13. I would love this for my lo – and for me to have some time to get much needed things done. I love all thing 4Mom

  14. We are pregnant with a very much awaited baby #2 and I hated the way the swing we had with our older daughter moved, it also took up SO much space that we just can’t afford to give up this time around why our living room is already full of our daughter’s things. Really hoping to win, thanks so much for the chance!

  15. I would love to win for many reasons! I r hink this would help my little guy sleep better since its a feeling of rocking! Like if it were me!

  16. I need to win this for multiple reasons: This is my first child and I have no idea what I am doing. We are having to move closer to my husbands work cause we are flat broke, which means when we move, I will have to quit my job and hope and pray that someone will hire a pregnant women. We are selling our house, only to turn around and rent a place cause we wont be able to buy one again. Its going to be an extremely stressful pregnancy for me and winning this would relieve me knowing I wont have to buy one and $$ can be distributed to the crib or whatever we can get for the baby to sleep on.

  17. We have a tight quarters in our loft space, so this would be the perfect size for a place to keep our second baby when we are busy playing with our first born.

  18. As a FTM-to-be with (the sweetest little) Baby Girl due in April, I would love to win the 4moms Rockaroo so I can use it from the beginning with our new addition! I have heard nothing but rave reviews about 4moms and also plan to purchase the Breeze. Crossing my fingers that I am the lucky winner!!

  19. I would like the rock a roo because I think it’s the best thing that was ever invented for babies. When I saw my friends, it was the first thing I wanted for my baby. This is my first baby, I am currently 6 months pregnant, & I have nothing baby related. I’m a single mother to be & unemployed, & to win an awesome gift like this would be a dream come true for me because I hear, they’re very expensive & I would never be able to get something that expensive for my baby. Please let me win! I enter to win every day!! Thank you 4moms!

  20. I would love to win w rockaroo because we have not bought a swing yet, with our adoption adding it would add relief to win one!

  21. I have always wanted one of these for my kids this will help lull them to sleep instead of on the breast and entertain them for when i want to eat, shower or maybe clean!

  22. Wendy stahlnecker

    I would love to win this for our new bundle of joy since it’s baby number 6 so it will help me get some free every once in a while Ty for this contest

  23. I would love to win as we have a little girl due in March and it would make it easier with having two children. I’m afraid my son won’t get a lot of attention with a new little sister and this would make it easier for us!

  24. I would LOVE to win because my second is on her way and this would come in very handy when trying to spend time with my first, or get some chores done. Thanks!

  25. The Rockaroo seems to give the biggest “movement for no movement”, meaning the baby seems to feel the movement more with this Rockaroo than a swing or other device. I love that. That is why I want a Rockaroo!

  26. My little boy will not sleep during the day unless he’s being held or in the car. Having this would be a lifesaver. I’m sure my 3 yr old little girl would appreciate me having a little more time. Thanks for the opportunity!

  27. Baby number two is on the way. We could use a mamaRoo to help keep this little one occupied while playing with our son.

  28. I’m a first time mom due in May and would love to have a MomaRoo for him. I can see it being useful in the future!

  29. Ali O'Maley-Turner

    We are expecting our first and want to not only avoid the clutter of having a baby but this seems like such a great product compared to the others on the market!

  30. I liked SITC on Facebook and pinterest. Also I like 4MOMS on Facebook. I would love to win this for my little girl coming in march!

  31. Hi! We would love to win this for our first baby. I sense that she would be stoked to rock in this while we unpack her new home. Moving the same month she’s due. Ahhhhmazing! 😉

  32. Katherine Bledsoe

    I would love for my precious little preemie to enjoy a rockaROO 🙂 She came into this world 3 months early, and was in the NICU for that three months fighting strong weighing at just 1 lb when she was born. She is now a happy, chubby 8 month old (5 months gestationally). She would just enjoy it and be able to relax in her very own rockaROO every day.

  33. I’d love the rockaroo because my 4 month old, has started to get fussy recently and the only thing that soothes him is me rocking him in my arms. Lil guy is getting bigger and heavier so it would be nice to give my back a break once in a while.

  34. I know they make quality, safe and lovely products! I would love to win this so it would assist me in soothing my baby 🙂

  35. I would like to win this for my sister who is expecting her first
    baby this March. She lives in fl and we are all up in MN, makes it hard
    to pass on baby gear.She would love this!

  36. I have always wanted to get my first son a mama roo but it was and still is out of budget and I am expecting my 2nd and I really want it 😀

  37. Our last swing was monstrous, and broke when we loaned to a friend. The Rockaroo takes up so much less space and is so stylish, I would love to have it in our living room when baby #2 arrives in May!

  38. I’d love to win the rockaRoo! I’m pregnant with my first baby after four+ years of trying, and we couldn’t be more excited to welcome the little one in April. We are blessed to have great hand-me-downs from my nephew and niece, but I would love to be able to give our baby such a special gift – one that I’m sure will make first-time parenting so much easier. Fingers crossed!

  39. Kristi sidor Golik

    I have been wanting a rockaRoo. I love that various swinging motions and the mp3 hookup! Hope you pick me! Thanks for the giveaway!

  40. I’m due tomorrow (!!!!) and a swing is the one piece of baby gear we haven’t gotten yet. I saw this product at Big City Mona’s Biggest Baby Shower and just loved it. So it would be great to have something so compact, yet effective.

  41. I’m due tomorrow (!!!!) and a swing is the one piece of baby gear we haven’t gotten yet. I saw this product at Big City Mom’s Biggest Baby Shower and just loved it. So it would be great to have something so compact, yet effective.

  42. I would love to own this rockaroo! With our first child we didnt buy a rocker or baby sling, i so wish we had. I know our son would have been so much happier and less stress with it. We are hoping to have baby #2 soon and this would be such a blessing for our family.

  43. This would be exceptional for our home because of the small footprint compared to most swings. Also adore the MP3 feature! Thanks for the opportunity 🙂

  44. While my husband is at work, im home alone with our 3 beautiful boys. (Ages 4, 22 months, and 1 month). The big brothers love to hold their baby brother but sometimes they want to be held too. After all they are still my babies 🙂 so it would be really nice to have some place soothing and safe to put the baby while i give some love and cuddles to his big brothers.

  45. We borrowed a swing last time because we couldn’t afford one and things are still really tight so it would be amazing to win this awesome swing!

  46. Most convenient baby product out there, so many great features and amazing quality! We’d love to win one for our baby boy!

  47. I would love one for my 7 week old daughter… her current swing is so close to the ground and doesn’t need stinky dog breath in her face! Plus the swing is pretty cheap and flimsy! Nothing like the Rockaroo!

  48. My daughter and I would love a rockaRoo because she insists on being held which makes it hard for mommy to do laundry.. housework.. or anything really!!!

  49. I would love this! Everything 4moms is amazing and this would be a great addition to use collection! 🙂

  50. I would love to win this amazing swing! We didn’t have one with our daughter so I have a feeling this would certainly come in handy with our second baby! My best friend raves about her amazing rockaRoo!!

  51. I’d love to win this because its very hard to soothe my baby to sleep. She has GERD and even though we have a majority of the pain managed, she remembers the pain, the choking, the suffocating… and HATES being layed down flat or being out of my arms at bedtime in general. She is literally terrified of choking and vomiting. So right now I sleep inclined with my back against the wall so that she will sleep at night. The only thing that soothes her in a car ride. The white noise and the vibrations and the slight incline of the mamaRoo would give this mama a breal and help my sweet little MJ get sleep too.

  52. I am expecting baby #3 and have been eyeing this swing for SO long! I know it would help comfort the baby while I am tending to the other kiddos!

  53. I would love this for my newborn! I first saw this when I was pregnant with my first baby two years ago and thought what a good idea! She was very colicky and only calmed down if she was being held and walked around, the motion of the mamaroo. Swings didn’t work for her, or bouncers. I had to walk her around our tiny apartment day and night. I couldn’t afford the mamaroo. Now I have a little guy and would really like one for him. It is such a great invention!

  54. I would love to win because this mimics the motion my baby likes and my arms and the kink in my neck could use a break 🙂

  55. I would love this for our 2nd baby on the way! This wasn’t out when I had my daughter and I’ve heard nothing but awesome things about it!!

  56. I would love this for my first male grand child who will be born in April! He will need lots of rocking being surrounded by all the little girls!

  57. I am a first time mom and have heard wonderful things about 4moms! I would love to win the Rockaroo mainly to give my daughter, who will be here in May, a comfortable, stylish, & soothing safe haven!

  58. I’ve been eyeing the rockaroo for some time now but just can’t afford one but would love to win it so I can get my hands free to play with my 2 y/o who is trying to get my attention!!

  59. I would love to win a rockaRoo for my daughter, who is a premie, and calms only at swaying motions. The natural movement described in your post would be a perfect fit for her!

    Liking & following all 🙂

  60. I’d love to win this for my twins because they both LOVE our momaroo, but we only have one for them to share!

  61. I would like to win this. because this is my 3rd child. and might be the last one. and if its my last child I would like to try everything that I can possible try. This looks really neat and it looks great for a baby! I really want it.

  62. I’d love to win the 4Moms RockARoo for our favorite preschool teacher Ms. LeiAn. She is due any minute now and I think the RockARoo would give her a much-needed place to let her baby girl lounge so Mama can shower!

  63. I’d LOVE to win one because this will be my second child and I want to make sure I have a safe and comfy place for my newborn to be so I can still have quality time with my son 🙂 I’ve been obsessed wwith these since the NICU where my son was had them!!

  64. I really need the Rockaroo. I am gaining 2 new grandbabies this summer and I know the babies would love this when they are visiting, which will be a lot since I will be doing daycare for them also.

  65. I would love to win one of these for my baby due in March. The traditional swings are so bulky and seem to break, but also only work on some babies.

  66. We have a hand me down swing, worked great! However, it’s loud, bulky and seems slightly off balance. This would be an awesome product to have for our new baby!

  67. I would love a rockaroo because I’m expecting my little one to arrive in February and a swing is one item I still need. I think that the 4moms products are awesome.

  68. I would love to have this for my son that’s due in march. I’m a young mom and it would be great to give him something brand new

  69. We would love to win this swing for our little man. He is only a few weeks old and since birth has had trouble with his tummy. Most nights he screams from 9 or 10pm until 3am. My husband and I both had trouble when we were younger. Poor thing got it from both sides. There’s very little we can do to soothe him at times. When I saw this swing I immediately thought that it mimics my movements more that anything else out there. This could help him.

  70. Being a mama to a sweet preemie (born at 27 wks this Summer) being able to comfort her is our main concern and this looks like it would be wonderful for her and us to try! Thanks for the chance.

  71. I absolutely adore the print shown above! I’ve only had a bouncer and swing before and this is a cool in between!

  72. I would love to win this for many reasons! Top reason being my lil girl has a hard time sleeping unless she is moving or when she is nursing. We are a single family income with two kids, so we can’t afford the luxury baby items such as a swing. Maybe this could help us by getting her to sleep Moore then 2 hours at a time. Thanks for the chance 🙂

  73. i would love to win it because i hve twin sons and would be great to have something to put one of the kids in to so i can accomplish things

  74. I would love this for my baby boy due in beginning of March! I have a two year old son already and never owned a swing for him and would love to get one for this little one! (:

  75. I want to win because it will make an awesome gift for my sister who is pregnant with her first child. And I know she would love it!

  76. I’m pregnant with number eight and my youngest is five. I’ve gotten rid of all the baby gear. This would be awesome to have instead of a regular swing that takes up so much space when we already have so many people and their things in the house.

  77. I have my first due in April and would love this because we live in a small apt and small is very limited. Also, I work with people with balance issues so the blurb about the inner ear and motion got me excited 🙂

  78. Monica Rochefort

    Would love to have the rockaroo for my baby girl. I think she would absolutely love it and even though I dont mind at all maybe I could get more done not having to rock her all the time myself! 🙂

  79. Jenn Joachimstaler

    I’m a first time pregnant mom that was completely surprised to find out we were expecting twins after “trying” for one week. I’m older & thought it would take months. Two baby girls will arrive between MARCH and APRIL, & a product by 4moms will help us keep our girls happy and less fussy by providing motions they have been used to during their gestation. I appreciate the opportunity to win. Thanks so much!

  80. I would love a rockaroo because it’s attractive, sleek, and would be incredibly helpful when my baby comes in April so s/he can feel comfort while I can get other things done.

  81. Kristin Notermann

    I would love this for my son who arrives in April! Would be a huge help especially because I have a toddler too!

  82. I would love to win because although my son is almost 2, we are always planning and prepping for baby number 2 and this would be an awesome addition 🙂

  83. This would be AMAZING to have. Im expecting my 1st baby girl in April. Money has been tight as I am looking for a job and companies have a hard time looking past my big belly! .. I liked the 4moms and the SITC on facebook. Thanks for the chance !! 🙂

  84. I would Love to win this for my baby girl, as well as our future child 🙂 I love 4mom products. They are so convenient and take up less room which I love due to small space! We also travel a lot due to military and it would be so much easier to move! 🙂

  85. My wife is in the Army, going to law school and is due in May. Anything that will make her life easier that involves sleep and quiet time will make her life so much easier!

  86. We donated our original swing only to find out that we are expecting! Would love to win this amazing swing- it is definitely the top of our “wish list!”

  87. My first child is 7 weeks old and I just cant seem to get anything done… as soon as I put him down; dead asleep or not – within 2 minutes he is screaming at the top of his tiny lungs. I think he would absolutly LOVE the 4moms rockaRoo. We are also planning on having another one within a year or two and will be able to start with day one!

  88. My firstborn slept through the night every time he was in the swing. The swing we had for him was just a loaner, so we need to buy one for the next baby. I definitely need a mamaRoo!

  89. I want to win the rockaroo because I believe the car seat motion will help my 3 month old sleep better. He suffers from severe acid reflux and I spend hours rocking him in his car seat throughout the day because that is the only thing that will sooth him. This takes away from my time I could spend with my 3 year old or doing things around the house! This would be a huge blessing!

  90. I am pregnant with my first child and I love the look of everything in this line. Our budget is pretty tight and I would love to win this!

  91. This would be awesome for our baby girl due at the beginning of March. When our 6 yr old was a baby, she lived in the swing, but this would be such a better, more compact option!

  92. This is My 1st Baby!! Me & My Fiance are Sooo Excited!!! I have Friends that say this is “The Best Swing, they ever used plus SO much more!!!” Its not only takes up so little space! Its also a pretty piece of furniture!!!!….I Would love to see Our Daughter in the Mamaroo!!!!!!! We live in an apartment & this is PERFECT!!!!!!!…Ill be keeping my fingers crossed!!!! She’ll be here the very beginning of March!!!!!

  93. I’d like to win the rockaroo because we moved recently, took an unexpected paycut and have twins on the way in July. Our other kids are 4, 3, 19m and 7m. Simply put, I don’t have enough hands!!

  94. I would love to win because I have a infant daycare! I have a Mamaroo and it is fantastic so I know this one is amazing!!!!

  95. Angelica Almaguer

    I would love to win a rockaroo because I m a 4moms fan and brcause this is the coolest and cutest swing . My first baby girl is coming (due april 7) and this swing would be awesome for her.

  96. I’m expecting twins in may! I’ve heard such great things about all of 4moms products! I think it would be a huge help with having two newborns!

  97. We would love to win because it would give my daughter a soothing place to lay down being that she hates swings,this momma cant get much housework done because she doesnt have her own soothing place

  98. I would love a rockaRoo for my newborn so that I can sit on the floor and play with my older two girls and know she is safe and comfy right there next to me!

  99. Would love to have this for future babies and to loan to a friend in the meantime. Would be a HUGE upgrade from our first swing!

  100. I would love to win because both my sister and I are expecting and this would be a great help! I promised if I won, I would share! =)

  101. We have so much less space since moving into base housing in a Navy base, so this would make a huge difference in conserving space. Would love to have one of these!

  102. I would love to win this because im a single mother that has had a very rough time latley. I have three other kids, and have been able to manage however when I went on bed rest in September, due to a complicated pregnancy and subsequently had the baby early it did not give me time to prepare and save up to buy my baby the yhings she needed.. I got the essentials, however would LOVE and greatly appreciate winning this swing, as it would help tremendously with the baby and her fussy nap times… he’s keeping fongers crossed

  103. I would like to win this because my daughter’s swing broke and we have a little boy coming in April that needs a good rocker! :o)

  104. I’d like to win this for a dear friend. She’s 18 weeks pregnant and will raise the baby as a single mom. She’s in the military, serving our country daily. The father isn’t interested in being involved and pressured her to terminate the pregnancy. She is courageously getting ready to do this solo and on one salary. I have the mamaroo and love it. I know my friend and her daughter on the way would deeply appreciate the rockaroo. Thank you 😉

  105. I want one for a dear friend of mine who has been struggling to financially afford the gear she needs for her baby due in February. We have already loaned ours to another preggo friend otherwise we’d give her ours. We love rockaRoo!

  106. We just had our first child and this would be a great addition for our bundle of joy! Help him fall asleep while I am getting things done around the house. Love the style and line 🙂 perfect size for our little apartment.

  107. I have been seeing the rock-a-roo on Facebook and I really want to win it becausey 8 month old daughter has trouble sleeping as it is, we have a glider swing my husband’s grandma got for our baby girl but we just don’t have room for it:( The Rock-a-roo would be perfect fort little girl because it’s little and doesn’t take up much space. It would really help me out if I won this thig for my daughter Alia, she’d sleep so much more soundly! It most definitely would be a blessing! Plus my sister and her husband is trying for a baby themselves so they would benefit from it too!

  108. My first baby is due in May we would love to have a rockaroo to use with the mamaroo we have already purchased. I love following 4moms Facebook, lots of good information and free giveaways! Love 4moms products.

  109. I liked 4moms and SITC, I follow you on pintrest and I pinned ! I am HUGE fan and soon to be first time mommy!!!!!!!!!!!

  110. I have my last little one on the way and this wasn’t available with any if my others. While I would prefer it in full grown adult size I think the seat will make any baby happy.

  111. I love looking at the 4 moms latest prints && patterns and all the warm cozy baby pictures .. Would love to win one :)!!!!

  112. I would live to win this for our upcoming baby. He is due in 3 weeks. The only item I haven’t purchased yet is the swing, and I have heard nothing but good about this item. I would live to try it !!

  113. This would be a dream to win! My first two babies weren’t good sleepers, so I’m not counting on the 3rd to sleep well either, this would be an awesome help!

  114. I would love To win this because baby number four is due next month and so imagine this will come in handy with a new own and a two year old!!!!!! Keeping everything crossed for this one :D!!!!!

  115. We would love to win a 4moms rockaroo for our sweet second blessing arriving in April. I have heard nothing but great things on 4moms products so we would love to be able to experience them, and then share with friends once our little blessing outgrows it! :]

  116. I would love the Rockaroo for my baby coming in March! This “swing” seems so modern and outstanding. Wish these were around when my 7 yr old was born 🙂

  117. Daddy’s arms can only swing baby for so long before tiring out…and swinging is baby’s favorite calm button. Rock-a-roo to the rescue!

  118. I want a rockaroo because I’m expecting my third baby boy and I have twin 2.5 year old boys and I think it’d be a lifesaver!

  119. I would like this, because I’m a single mom who lives in a small trailer so I don’t have much space, I bought a used swing that was originally for a girl but I’m having a boy so I just covered up with a old carseat cover, the swing is really big and bulky and doesn’t work to great for my space its right in the mddle of everything, I would love to have to have something that works with my space, and my lil boy who should be here any time now(:

  120. I’d love to win a rockaroo! We’re expecting our little surprise baby in July and it’d sure be handy to keep baby happy while I chase our other crazy boys around!

  121. I would love to win to use with our baby later this year. We had a full sized swing with my daughter, but have moved since she was a baby and that isn’t an option in our new smaller living room. The compact design of the Rockaroo is EXACTLY what I’ve been looking for!

  122. I would love to win this for my 2 month old son! He loves to be rocked by Mommy and Daddy but hates the traditional swing we bought for him.

  123. Alexandra Pitcher

    I’m expecting my second little boy in March and it would be a great way to get to spend with my older soon, while knowing our little one is safe and secure!

  124. My baby was born at 23 weeks and for 4months did not get any stimulation. He now loves sound and motion this would be great for him.

  125. Liked 4Moms & SITC
    This would come in so handy with 3 other littles to keep track of & baby on the way! Thanks for the opportunity!

  126. I love that you can use this for a newborn as well as an older child. I would love to win this for my sister who is having their first baby after ttc for over 11 years!

  127. I liked 4moms and SITC on FB as well as follow SITC on Pinterest 🙂
    I would LOVE to have this for my little man! He is 9 weeks old and is colicky and likes constant motion, but the swing we have doesn’t always work for him. I think he would like this SO much better!
    Thank you 🙂

  128. I am having baby number 3 soon and my first to were very fussy babies.I’m scared this one will be too butI’m hopeful this swing will help save me!!

  129. I would love to win so that I could give it to my daughter at her baby shower. It would be a truly wonderful gift!

  130. I would love to win because my baby loves to be rocked, only problem is I cant hold him all the time! I have other kids who need help with homework, played with, house to clean, ect…. This would be perfect.

  131. I love everything on 4moms, and I would love to have this Rocaroo for my baby boy who is coming next month 🙂

  132. I just had my second baby girl and she absolutely loves to be worn, so a mimicking motion of the womb would be an excellent playspace for her… I have another daughter who is almost 2 new makes it much more difficult to wear my newborn all day 🙂

  133. Jennifer McNally

    I would love to win one! I have a small home, so I like that the rockaroo doesn’t take up as much space and it’s also really cool looking (unlike a traditional swing).

  134. Colby Yeager Santos

    We are expecting our second baby in August and I would love to win this! We had a swing for our son when he was born 4 years ago but it really loud and a hand- me-down.

  135. It would be great to own a rockaRoo because we have such a small apartment for baby supplies to begin with and will be welcoming a newborn with an active toddler who will need 1:1 time with us still.

  136. charlotte a miller

    We have been through 4 swings trying to find one our daughter would like!!! She doesn’t enjoy swinging. I wish she did.

  137. Kristina Lohrbach

    This looks amazing! Ingenious idea! We have our third son due in March, and this would be perfect! I love it’s smaller footprint and originality!

  138. I want to win the Rockaroo because I’m pregnant with twins!! I didn’t have a swing with my first son and I know how much of a difference it would have made! Please!!!!

  139. I am a first time mom due in April! My husband and I live in a one bedroom condo and will be planning to stay there for the first year with the little bambino. I’ve heard such great things about the 4moms brand, especially the rockaroo and mamaroo, so this is at the top of my baby essentials wish list. 🙂

  140. i would love to win the rockaroo 4moms as it will be a great baby gift to give to my sister for a first time mum. something she can really appreciate

  141. Jennefer Raygoza

    I would love to win this for my baby due in August of this year. It would be so much help when trying to spend time with my two year old!

  142. I’d love to win this because I’m tired of rocking my preemie to sleep in his car seat! I’m hoping he will find this more comforting.

  143. I would love to win a RockaRoo for two reasons actually. 1st my SIL is expecting her first baby in February and I would loan it to them for now. 2nd my husband and I are planning our own baby later this year.

  144. christina Tuohey

    I’d love one of these! We borrowed a lot of things with my 10 month old from my sister. Now we are both pregnant again at the same time! So although thrilled we will need to purchase a lot for the baby. This would be a lovely place to put the baby so i can entertain his/her sister for a bit.

  145. I think the rockaroo is a great baby product. I love that it doesn’t take up much space and it has five different settings.

  146. I would love to win for my little man who is new to this world as of dec. 14th 🙂 He has taken after his older brother who is 8 and only had the traditional swing which he never cared for.

  147. I’d like to win because our swing recently died and we hope to have more children (not to mention or current babe may yet find more use for one if we had it).

  148. I would love this for my son due in May! We got rid of all of our baby stuff after my daughter outgrew it and we need to start over!

  149. We gave our swing to a friend who just had a baby. But then a few months later we found out we were pregnant! A great blessing but now we are a swingless!

  150. Would love it for my baby boy, he currently doesn’t like his plain swing and loves movement! And also me to get things done and play with my toddler 😉

  151. I love that this 4moms rocker has a modern contemporary design and doesn’t take up the large amount of space of traditional swings.

  152. I’m in love with the roo! After four girls we are finally having a boy and I would love him to be super comfy in this rocker. Not to mention its super swanky! Love love love. I need to win this because its really not in my budget otherwise by kid five you are versed on thehave to haves and miss out on the wants and I definitely WANT this!

  153. This would be perfect for little Alexander. He loves close spaces, motion, and white noise. The position is perfect too since he has to be elevated due to his heart condition!