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Memories That Stick {& Contest}

There are some memories you have as a child that can remember vividly, or when one of your senses picks up on a certain smell or hears a song, a memory is instantly flashing.I find it fascinating what I can remember from my childhood that is brought on with my senses and wonder what my children will take with them when they are older. Although our daily regime leaves me in a blur most of the time, I can be instantly taken back when I smell homemade sauce cooking on a Sunday or even the moment of when I became a mom just by looking at a newborn.


Living in NYC, my children are outside quite often, walking, scooting, running, or simple clowning around in a playground. There’s one brand that has always stayed tried and true since I was a child and that is BAND-AID Brand. I actually attended an event about a year ago on the evolution of Johnson & Johnson and was completely blown away by all their accomplishments.  BAND-AID’s are a staple I think for every mom and I bet if you took a poll in a playground about 90% of the parents/caregivers would have them handy. The fun characters are always a plus in my house and I always make sure we are fully stocked.

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When you hear that jingle, “I am stuck on BAND-AID because BAND AID stuck on me“, what do you remember. I’ve known that tune forever and now my kids are singing it. BAND-AID Brand is searching for the next BAND-AID Brand star. Submit a video of your children (or the whole family) singing our famous jingle at www.band-aid.com/stuckonme by May 26 and you could win a $10,000 Walmart gift card.



 Here’s how to enter:

Listen to/download the jingle at www.band-aid.com/stuckonme

Grab your camera or smartphone, and record your children/family singing the “Stuck on Me” jingle for the opportunity to win a $10,000 Walmart gift card, brought to you by BAND-AID® Brand

Complete your registration to upload your video

Once the video is approved, your video will appear with the other BAND-AID® Brand stars in the contest video gallery

Judges will select the top 12 entries and then the public will vote on who will receive the $10,000 Walmart gift card


Once all of the submissions have been received, you’ll then be invited to vote for your favorite BAND-AID® Brand “Stuck on Me” finalist through June 17. The winner will be announced on June 25. Good luck!

Visit www.band-aid.com/stuckonme for a full list of the Official Rules and more information

This was a sponsored post on behalf of BAND-AID Brand.

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