Maybe it’s just me, but sometimes I feel like everything is exposed when raising your children in New York City. From neighbors in our elevator to doorman in the lobby, there is always some to interact with. Even during a subway ride, people are everywhere so you are never alone. Most of the time, I welcome the interaction, and I think these little everyday encounters are what we all thrive on. There are times however, during the occasional meltdown with a screaming child in the middle of the sidewalk, that leaves us wishing we were in car or off in the burbs where you can hide.
I think it just comes with the territory, when you have three kids, but I still feel that eyes are constantly on us, always. Comments by passerby’s, like “oh your hands are full,” or a stare from a stranger, who you know is judging occur way too frequently. When walking the streets of NYC with our entire little posse, I definitely feel others taking note of the chaos, but for me its just our norm, our everyday.
In effort to turn judgment on its head, I’ve join forces with Similac’s Sisterhood of Motherhood Campaign to End Mommy Wars. Let’s support each other, and try to stop the judgment once and for all. It’s hard to come up with the perfect response for a judgmental comment or a nasty look in the heat of the moment, but it’s something I’ve come to grips with. Maybe the resilience of my thick skin comes from living here so long, so I just kill them with kindness and a smile.
I encourage you to join me, along with the hundreds of moms and dads talking about and supporting The Sisterhood of Motherhood. Watch the documentary and share your story on the Similac Facebook page to #EndMommyWars.