True story: I had an event for NUNA in midtown a couple months ago. I wound up bringing Gemma with me in the carrier, she was about two months old at the time. The event was featuring Nuna’s latest and greatest products they have coming to the market like strollers, high chairs, pack and plays, and carseats. Also on display, Nuna’s infamous Leaf swing, it was super sleek and elegant looking. The minute I saw it I totally fell in love, but knew Gemma wasn’t that “into” swings. We already had two back home and none of them seemed to sooth her. During the walkthrough Gemma started to cry, and I was trying to calm her down by bouncing her up and down in the carrier so I could just finish up the appointment. But one of the sweet girls working the preview asked to take her and give me a break. I expected her to give Gemma right back to me once she realized G was at the point of no return, but then I heard nothing. No cries, no screams, nothing. I went into the other room and there’s Gemma laughing and giggling in the NUNA LEAF! No joke! I actually took this video while I was there because I was completely shocked…
Could you believe!! I wanted to hang out in the hotel for the rest of the day. I’ve tried so many different products from bouncers to swing, my apartment turned into a Buy Buy Baby display room. The Nuna Leaf is inspired by the carefree float of a leaf on a breeze, the LEAF treats baby to a similarly mesmerizing ride. The distinctive design was invented from baby’s point of view and works at playtime, lunchtime and mama’s choretime. Whether it’s a motor-free ride to newborn dreamland, a wiggle party once they’re walking, or a crash pad after a hard day on the preschool playground, LEAF is both revolutionary and evolutionary—and endurance-tested up to a whopping 130 lbs. Siella, age 2 even climbs in the Leaf at times. I totally love it, and the best part is that it works with my decor. It looks like a piece of furniture and my living room no longer looks like a store for baby products!
For more information on NUNA products visit
SITC was not compensated for this post but did receive a sample.
2 thoughts on “Swinging With NUNA”
I live to sing along to songs with my kids and make conversation!
Is this for the Britax giveaway? Did you comment under that post? GOOD LUCK! Best B