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Spring Fun for Your Kids

Spring has sprung and we have been itching to get outdoors! With the welcoming of warmer weather many families are heading outside for a sunny good time. Moreover, getting outside during spring rejuvenates our energy after dark and cold winters. Henceforth, it’s a wonderful time to start planting in your garden, go on a run, bike around, and splash! in the backyard! As nature blooms so do the little personalities of our kids. This is the perfect time to get back into a nature walk with the whole family, go to the local park and breathe in some fresh air or even on a bike ride. Signs of spring have been in NYC for a few weeks now and this time of year is always full of fun spring activities, especially because we can finally do fun outdoor activities in the spring weather.

I’ve listed some amazing games and toys for kids of all ages and for families to play together! Here is how we are keeping our kids entertained this spring season.

kids spring games

Outdoor and Indoor Fun

Firstly, we don’t have a backyard here in the city, but having one out east has been so much fun! There are tons of outdoor spring activities to play with, especially for younger kids. Specifically, the little ones are learning a lot, so toys that can help with motor skills and get them to play in a creative way with easy activities are always a wonderful way to spend time after such a long winter. Moreover, if you have a hard time keeping your kids occupied, sprinklers, gardening toys for spring flowers and sidewalk chalk are always great options for a warm day. For instance, another great activity is to have a sandbox or playground set it you have the space. My kids always had the best time playing on those when they were young kids!

kids spring games

Furthermore, let’s not pretend it doesn’t rain all the time! April showers bring May flowers and a great way to have fun indoors is with family games. We enjoy family game night and think it’s great time to spend together and decompress from the day. I have older children and we have phased out of a lot of the board games we used to love to play. I’ve found options for kids of all ages–yes including teens! The entire family can enjoy a game together while it is raining in the great outdoors.

kids spring games

Staying Active

Secondly, the best way to get your kids’ energy out is to play some sports! Set up a volleyball net or play badminton or bocce inn the good weather. After spring break, we always plan out what backyard sports we’ll do for a warm spring day and summer season! On a sunny day that still isn’t warm enough for the beach, sports are our go to activity. Even a slightly windy day is nice because we work up quite the sweat getting competitive. Young children can learn sports this way and I really like to keep my kids active with a spring activity to take a screen break on longer days. It’s an easy way to get them off their phones and staying active in the spring months and even summer months!

kids spring games

Shop by Age

Finally, we need to shop by age for kids activities. It’s kind of like how we choose books for reading level, we decide on fun spring activities by age. For instance, if you have little one’s you’ll want to go for a physical activity that involves sensory play. Helping them build their senses and learn is key. We always loved a sensory bin when the kids were younger, which can even involve things from around the house, or a sand box will always do! Child development is incredibly important and while splash pads are so much fun, there are also options that even involve a spring art activity, which are just as great. Never underestimate the power of sidewalk art! Moreover, if you have older kids, a petting zoo, nature crafts or even a diy bird feeder art activity are fun ideas!

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