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Search Results for: new year – Page 3

nye plans in nyc

Our Guide to NYE in NYC

Every year I say that I can’t believe we’re at the end of the year, but here we are again! The big apple is the

Bring It 2018

I’ve seen plenty of posts about New Year Resolutions, but I don’t really tend to buy into the whole New Year New Me theory. You

Reflections & Promises For 2016

Every year between Christmas and New Years, we head out east, to the Hamptons. It’s a tradition we started eight years ago, and no matter

2015 Yuletide

After our trip to Disney, we rolled right into the holiday season, kicking off it off with the Thanksgiving Day Parade, and the following day, we

new years eve fashion

Our Guide to NYE Fashion

New Year’s Eve is almost here, and we’re ready to say goodbye to 2024 in the most fabulous way possible! There’s something extra exciting about

An Ode to 2013

Shockingly, 2013 is officially over! The time just seems to be slipping by us so quickly and I think the more kids you have, the

December nyc guide

Our Holiday Guide to NYC in December

The holiday season has arrived and NYC is decked out with decor on every street. From Radio City Music Hall performances to Christmas markets, walking

Back To School Survival Guide

I probably say this every year around this time but where has summer gone? Every year the summer seems to get shorter and shorter and