Last Saturday, Ryder celebrated his First Holy Communion. He’s been attending religion class after school for the past two years, in the little chapel attached to our building, and I just can’t believe he’s already such a big boy. Pulling his baptism photo out to use for the ceremony, really put this into perspective, when you compare how little he was back then.
The ceremony took place at St. Peter’s Church, the oldest Catholic parish over 230 years old, situated right in the heart of Tribeca. It was the same place where Siella was baptized, so it already held a special place in all of our hearts.
Once we arrived at the church, and he saw all of his family there, Ryder realized just how important this day was for him. He loved wearing his suit, and I kept catching him sneaking peeks of himself in the mirror, as he looked pretty sharp. It was definitely a welcome change to his normal ensemble of sweats and t-shirts.
The service was full of 30 kids his age, but his friend Maddie was probably the closest peer in the group. He and Maddie have known each other since they were six months old, and even though they are in different schools now, they are still close. So it was pretty special to have them as part of the same service.
His baptism picture on the banner.
When the service ended, we hosted a intimate party with our immediately family at a favorite local Mexican restaurant, called El Vez. The private room allowed us to laugh and reminisce about how proud we were to have just witnessed this important moment for our little boy.
My mom has always been the official favor handler for all family events, and she was sweet enough to create these white chocolate pops for Ryder.
Auntie Mandie couldn’t resist lots of photos with her godson.
I mean, if the look on his face doesn’t speak volumes about how he felt that day, then I don’t know what will. His pride was overwhelming, and he didn’t even want to take his suit off when it was all over!
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