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Deck The Halls

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Jason and I have been living in our apartment for almost nine years now. Up until we had children, we hosted an annual New Years Eve party with all of our friends and family; so from the very start, we always made sure our home was decorated for the holidays. When December rolled around this year, I was amazed at all of ornaments and decor we have collected throughout the years. We have ornaments on our tree from vacations which Jason and I picked up from before we were married. And the kids each have special milestone ornaments, that I hope they will keep and use with their own family one day. Our tree symbolizes the many memories, and the world we created for the past 11 years. I just get so nostalgic when looking at it all.

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As much as we adore all special ornaments, we did decide it was time to retire some of our decorations and spruce things up a bit. The paint and sparkles were starting to wear and tear on our tree top angel, stocking holders and ornament balls. During our last trip to Target, the kids had a blast picking out new bauble for our home. Target always stocks an abundance of holiday decor, and I knew we would find everything we needed.

We found a new AngelΒ for our tree, something we desperately needed. Our new gal is the perfect tree topper, and she even lights up! The kids had to get these fun Santa Hats which made for the perfect photo opps. We also picked up new Stocking HoldersΒ and aΒ Wreath for our front door. The kids each got to pick out their own special ornaments. As for special ornaments, Ryder went with a Darth Vadar, Siella picked an Elsa figurine, and Gemma chose a Teddy Bear.

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After many years withΒ Elf On The Shelf’s,Β making appearances during December, Santa invited a third elf to come watch over our third child. Ryder has his trusty Chippy, our original, Siella dressed up her Snowflake Elsa, Gemma now has her Almo, who she named herself. The first thing the kids do when they wake up in the morning is look for their Elves. I try my best to be as creative as possible when moving them each evening!

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This is such a wonderful time of year, and I love nothing more than our home fully decorated with the holiday spirit!


Thank you Target for sponsoring this post.Β 

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