You know at the beginning of every January, when you write the date, and always seem to jot down the wrong year. Well, these past few weeks of the new year have pretty much been a fog. In talking to other mamas and friends, the general consensus is that 2016 feels like we are off to a slow beginning. Maybe it’s the late start to the winter weather? Our walks to school are met by bitter temps, and I’ve had to actually wake the kids in the morning for school. Our normal routine has seemed to disappear and it’s as if we are starting back in September all over again.
We are adjusting to Gemma starting pre-school, at the same school Siella attends. It’s only two days a week, but so far, she absolutely loves it. Painting has been her absolutely favorite thing to do, and makes a bee line for the easel each morning. It’s a shame that her first school photos included the bandage on her forehead, but fortunately, the patch fell off yesterday. The stitches have dissolved, and the scar is still red, but it should fade over time.
Siella doesn’t do well with the cold weather, but she is slowly starting to come around. I just signed her up for swim classes, and she’s still loving every minute of her ballet and hip hop classes. I just sat in on her classes for demonstration day and for me, its always a treat to watch her flowing across the floor, doing what she loves most.
Ryder’s back to school after winter break has really gotten off to a quick start. In fact, he has three field trips this month alone. We have another meeting scheduled with his teachers to discuss his progress. All his teachers, tutors and therapists have indicated that he has improved by leaps and bounds, and I couldn’t agree more. The only problem is that he’s still not up to the “standards of second grade.” I am ok with this, but it can tend to be a bit disheartening when looking at his report card. Regardless, I think this has come with a bit of maturity, and I know, he will only continue to grow from here.
Even with Gemma’s accident and our bumpy start to the year, we have already worked in some fun travel into our routine, which could be why we are all still in a fog. Our ski weekend to Vermont was incredible, and I recently returned from a trip to Mexico, which I’ll fill you all in on next week. Right now, we are gearing up for tomorrow’s winter storm, and the kids are super excited to play in the snow. Their winter gear and sleds are all ready, we are fully stocked with snacks and food. All of us are anxiously awaiting to see just how much snow tomorrow morning will bring.