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The Trilogy

She wakes up at exactly 5:17 every morning, and in her little voice yells for “mama” to come and get her from her crib. I immediately rush in for her, and sometimes I will just let her lay in my bed, with the hope she will let me have a few more moments of shut eye, but rarely am I so lucky. Nine times out of ten, she remains awake, but its that one rare morning that she gives up, and falls back to sleep. Sometimes calls for her big brother and sister, and that’s when I know it’s time to give up the fight, and bring her into our living room, so they are not disturbed. We play together while I sip coffee and hustle to get lunch prepared for her siblings, before they wake up, and start the mad dash to leave for school. I feel like I am lucky to have this one on one time with her, even if it is in the wee hours of the morning. Even when Jason is home, he tries to let me sleep, but usually results with her crying and banging on the bedroom door, and I simply abide and drag myself out of bed.

Our days are full of play with her favorite dolls, strollers, and anything musical. She dances just like her sister Siella, and strives keep up with all the moves. When indoors, I am constantly pulled into the kitchen, where she will point at the cabinets asking for a snack, or swing open the refrigerator door and pull out a bag full of grapes. Simply said, the girl loves to eat. I’m sometimes nervous about her ravenous appetite, but she only eats healthy foods, and as a result, she is growing at the speed of light.

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Her personality is best described as pure joy. Her little round body is filled with tiny giggles, smiles from ear to ear and I am always guaranteed a big hug. She is a super cuddle bug. Β That’s not to say that she doesn’t have her moments, my tough little cookie. She knows what she wants, and she will do anything to get it. She’s fearless and thinks nothing of taking on her brother if he swipes her toys. She’s always trying to keep up with her siblings, and definitely gets upset when they don’t include her.

Just the other day, I was telling someone her age, and I was sad to hear myself say that she will soon be turning two, because I no longer have a baby. She will officially be a toddler, and all my babies are becoming little people. With preschool on the horizon, I can’t believe that we will have an empty house, with all three children in school. It may only be for one to two days a week to start, but still my little flock are spreading their wings.

The terrible twos started early, just like her big sister. She has an opinion, and she will express it. She has started speaking in full, coherent sentences. Sometime, during the holiday break, she started to climb out of her crib, and stopped taking naps. I thought it was time to start her in a toddler bed, but we are going to wait a bit longer. I think it was a napping strike as I am slowly putting them back into her schedule.

Everyday is an adventure with her. I like to call her my “game changer” baby. She sometimes has me questioning how is it possible for one little human to stir up so much change. When I knew I was having another girl, I envisioned her and her sister Siella sharing the same type of calm deminner. It’s been incredible to watch each one of my children mature, and discover how each one differs.

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My beautiful little soul is almost two! Here’s to your second year of life, and how you brought us so much joy in parenting. Just don’t grow up too fast!

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