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Healthy Caramel Covered Apples

Our family recently discovered Bitchin’ Sauce and we are obsessed. Bitchin’ Sauce is a plant based option for all things dip or sauce. With an array of flavors like chipotle, cilantro chili, pesto, heat, and more, Bitchin’ Sauce is bound to become a household favorite in your homes too. I was recently experimenting with their salted caramel flavor and decided to try it as one of our seasonal favorite, caramel apples! Using Bitchin’ Sauces caramel dip instead of a generic brand is a healthier and tastier option. With less sugar, less preservatives, and way more flavor, my kids can enjoy this dip without the sugar high! Its made of almonds and provides for a more nutritional snack all around!


Bitchin’ Salted Caramel Sweet Sauce

1/2 cup Peanuts

4-5 Apples



Wash apples and make sure they are fully dry. In a ziplock bag pour peanuts, and smash with spoon till crumbled. Place apples with sticks on a lined cookie sheet. Heat up the caramel sauce in a small sauce pan and make sure not to boil. Dip the apples into the caramel and cover with peanuts. Place finished apples into freezer for 20 minutes until firm. Enjoy!

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