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Good Habits for Back to School Season

The first day of school is here and I think it’s safe to say we all need a new routine. We’re stuck on summer break over here and the whole family needs to work on our evening routine. The school transition is something that is not easy and it does affect the entire family. With busy schedules for the kids involving homework and after-school activities, it’s essential that we get a new schedule and stick to it! Now that we are in the first week of school, I thought I’d share good habits to incorporate into a set routine to say goodbye to summer vacation.

Morning Routine

Firstly, routines are your best friend. I think we need to look at a daily routine as a great way to stay on track, but of course, following it strictly isn’t entirely practical. Late nights happen after a long school day. Especially when it comes to getting homework and a school checklist completed for the next day of school. Healthy habits create easy mornings and nights surrounding busy schedules that can feel overwhelming.

For instance, it all begins with wake-up times. One of my most helpful tips is to simply get up with your first alarm- this goes for parents and the kids. It keeps you on track with your sleep schedule and gives you extra time to get things completed like packing school lunches. Furthermore, I know a lot of people who use a routine chart to keep younger children on a schedule for school mornings. For example, this includes things like make your bed, brush teeth, packing a snack for school, etc. Rewards can include things like stickers or a fun treat to help teach them about responsibility.

Night Routine

Secondly a good night routine after meal time will set the tone for a productive evening. The kids have after school activities, which are things they look forward to! This is fun for them and a way to decompress from a busy school day. When they come home, we go right into homework station. Not only does this get it out of the way, but the last thing I want to hear is new information about a project due the next day that is not completed! We’ve all been there! It leaves time for my kids to relax and unwind after dinner. They enjoy reading, watching an episode of their favorite show or spending time together as a family, catching up on our days. Showers are right before bed and my girls are now big on skincare, so it’s cute to see their nightly pampering routines!


Finally, general organization something I need as a parent. I like to have my kids get in on this to learn how to keep organized and it also gives them a new school year routine. Everyone has assigned tasks for morning and night to keep us on track. For instance, my kids are tweens and teens so they are capable of doing things on their own. An example of this is either packing their own lunches or deciding if they’re going out for lunch the next school day.

Moreover, we have specific laundry days so that it doesn’t pile up and the kids have everything they need to wear for school. We like having our nights free! The kids can complete all of their school work early and we are free to enjoy our night. It also gives us time to prepare for the following day of school. We leave at the same time each day for school, as well. So, we always have a time deadline to have lunches packed and be dressed and ready for school and extra curriculars.

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