I wrote this post as part of my participation in a blog tour for The Motherhood on behalf of the makers of Children’s MOTRIN® and received compensation to thank me for taking the time to participate. However, all opinions expressed are my own.
I first realized the sense of a “mom community” when Ryder, my first child, was about 6 months old and I attended a playgroup in my neighborhood. For months I was intimidated to attend this group, I kept thinking what if he started to get fussy or cry, what would they think of me, or if he would get hungry and I would have to nurse him in front of everyone. I was a brand new mom and just didn’t know what to expect. But to my surprise when I walked into this playgroup, every mom and baby were doing the exact same thing as us. These amazing moms are still my closest friends today and it’s beyond incredible that we have watched each one of our families grow over the past 6 years. We have all supported, helped, and encouraged one another through it all. When we were all having our second and third children, these are the moms that put together a dinner schedule, each one cooking a different night so you would have a homemade meal for the first few days of a new baby craze. The friendships, not only with one another, but the ones our children have, are beyond priceless.
I’ve learned so many tips and tricks from these mamas, from sleeping schedules, nursing, diaper rashes, you name it. But one that has stood out was the ease of cooking with a crock pot. I don’t think I’ve ever cooked with one before and cannot believe how easy and convenient it is for busy moms. Now that school and fall are upon us, I am excited to break it out and start cooking up fun new dinners. Not to mention swapping recipes with one another.
I am so excited to announce that I’m taking part in the UnstoppableMoms Campaign hosted by the makers of Children’s MOTRIN® . Moms may not always realize it, but they are amazing in so many ways. We are on call day and night and have so much unique knowledge that can really help another out. The makers of Children’s MOTRIN® are asking moms to share this knowledge in the form of tips and tricks that help keep them going.
Post your tips and tricks to the MOTRIN® Facebook page under each week’s Kelly Ripa question video and for every post, Children’s MOTRIN® will donate $1 to Safe Kids Worldwide, a global nonprofit that provides moms with the tips they need to help keep their children safe. Moms could even win weekly giveaways of $100 gift cards just for posting.
For Official Rules, and complete details, visit www.unstoppablemoms.com