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A Natural Fit

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I amย so excited to partner with Chicco for the Fit Pregnancy and Baby Magazine Style and Design Guide this year! As you know, I am a strong advocate for breastfeeding, I breastfed all three of my children and I truly feel breast is best. BUT, I am also a huge fan of the bottle and I fully appreciate and understand the need for bottle feeding. Breast feeding on demand was exhausting for me; especially during the first few months as a new mom. New mamas are always terrified to throw a bottle into the mix because they think it will create nipple confusion and ruin the babyโ€™s latch or the baby will prefer bottle over breast.

Baby Bottle Recommendation: Chiccoโ€™s NaturalFit Bottles

Chiccoโ€™s NaturalFit bottles are a godsend for moms who breastfeed and are looking for bottles that closely resemble momโ€™s breast and that will create a seamless and stress-free transition from breast to bottle and back.

Baby Bottle Recommendation: Chiccoโ€™s NaturalFit Bottles

When I had Ryder I was adamant about exclusively breastfeeding and it took a toll on me. I very quickly realized that it was essential for me to make time for myself, not only for my sanity but to maintain harmony at home. Spending alone time with my husband for a regular date night was also especially important in the beginning because tending to a newborn or infant will consume your every second if you let it. The freedom to pump and have someone else bottle feed my children wereย priceless. And it helped my kids get comfortable with other people from a very young age.

Baby Bottle Recommendation: Chiccoโ€™s NaturalFit Bottles

I introduced bottles to my children early on for times when I wasnโ€™t there or if I needed to supplement with formula. In the beginning I would get frantic calls from baby sitters because Siella wouldnโ€™t take a bottleโ€”or Gemma was getting fussy during feeding. Thatโ€™s why it is important to introduce the right bottle, one that mimics breastfeeding and allows baby to transition from breast to bottle and back to breast without creating any issues.

Baby Bottle Recommendation: Chiccoโ€™s NaturalFit Bottles

Chicco NaturalFit bottles are the perfect modern, ergonomic bottles designed for breastfed babies. The NaturalFit bottles are made in Italy and specifically designed to help baby transition back and forth from breast to bottle. NaturalFit bottles have a sleek and simple breast-like shape and angled nipple that resembles momโ€™s breast when feeding, which encourages a cuddle-cradle feeding position that is ideal for newborns. The NaturalFit bottle design is also super easy to clean and comfortable to hold. The silicone nipple options all have a skin-like feel and satin texture to help with a secure and proper latch.

Baby Bottle Recommendation: Chiccoโ€™s NaturalFit Bottles

Chicco has great NaturalFit starter gift sets that include different size bottles, nipples and other accessoriesโ€”including a cleaning brush. NaturalFit bottles come in different different bottle sizes and nipples that grow with baby or different sizes and nipple flow rates.

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12 thoughts on “A Natural Fit”

  1. That angled nipple is something I have never seen before, but it totally makes sense! Having quality products to help with changes and transitions are so important.

  2. These bottles sound like they help baby feel comfortable when not breastfeeding. There is always fear when needing a little break from it and having someone else help feed. I will be looking into these bottles for my friend who is about to have a baby. I wish I knew of these when I was breastfeeding. Thank you for sharing!

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