Summer is the perfect season to pack up and explore cool lake retreats or exotic islands with endless days at the beach with my family; especially before we start our hectic and jam-packed school-year schedule.
There are also so many great places within driving distance to the city that we often pile into our car for extended weekends, and then we usually end the summer with an island resort. We try to plan as many getaways as we can fit into our short summer season. The heat waves are bearable if we’re surrounded by greenery or sandy beaches rather than steaming sidewalks.
The sweltering hot and humid weather is a big reminder that we are in height of summer right now and with this sticky heat come the dreaded skin issues and rashes! My kids all have varying degrees of sensitive skin. The bigs have mostly grown out of their eczema and they’re not in diapers anymore but I always worry about sunburn, heat-rash, and all sorts of skin irritations. And with the temperatures regularly hitting 90-degrees my kids are spending a lot of time hanging out in wet bathings suits with their skin constantly exposed to chlorine or sand, so I am even more vigilant about protection and prevention.
When we’re traveling it is hard to avoid irritated skin. The kids are usually sitting in carseats or cramped airplane seats for long durations. In the past I didn’t always get the chance to change wet diapers as quickly as I wanted to—causing rash and irritation. We face similar challenges now even just with chafing and irritation from the heat or sitting in sweaty and moist undergarments too long.
For on-the-go I pack Dr. Smith’s Rash Diaper Spray because it is easy to use and I can cover their skin in any position. When you have kids, anything in a spray bottle, from bug spray and sunscreen to diaper ointment, is especially helpful for full and complete coverage. The spray option is great because I don’t have to worry about further irritating Gemma’s skin by having her lay down on a sandy towel when she can stand while I spray the trouble spots. Plus, she doesn’t feel like a baby getting cream smeared on her tush with her legs over her head.
Dr. Smith’s Rash Ointment is my best defense against diaper-area rash. I definitely Reach for the Doctor when I need to soothe my kids delicate skin because it is a trusted and pediatrician-developed treatment for diaper rash. Even if your kids aren’t in diapers anymore you can use Dr. Smith’s Rash Ointment or Spray to protect their skin from the elements or calm flair-ups. I still use this zinc oxide ointment on Siella and sometimes Ryder as an overnight remedy during the hot sweaty summer months to quickly heal delicate skin issues.
Our next adventure is another fun filled outdoorsy trip to Vermont, like the one we did last year. I know the kids will be taking advantage of every water activity from indoor pool cannon-ball contests to paddle-board racing on the lake. It’s nice to be able to travel with the doctor and know my littles will be comfortable at all times!
5 thoughts on “Traveling With The Doctor”
This is brilliant and great for everyone of all ages! My inner thighs getting irritated so much during the summer and I am always looking for something great to travel with.
Our biggest problem in the summer is chafing (my son, not me!). We’ve actually ha to go to first aid at parks before for help. But spray on diaper cream? Awesome!
Great Tips! This looks like a great product, I hadn’t heard of it before now. I am going to search to find it. I pack a go bag in each vehicle, so no matter where we are, we have what we need.
Ohh! Vermont! How fun. That’s pretty close to me. About 40 minutes. I can’t imagine not traveling with this. There are so many summer rashes for all ages!
Everyone can get a little irritation. This spray seems perfect! Hope you had an amazing time!