It seems like yesterday that my third child Gemma Kingsley Skye was born. It’s funny how the days and months blend together. Sometimes, I can’t recall little events we’ve done, or what life was like before we had her, but the day she was born is something that is a painted canvas, hanging in my memory. Gemma turned TWO last week, and I cannot believe that my third born is a true toddler.
Every morning, she wakes with a burst of energy, singing at the top of her lungs. Even at the early hour, I can’t help but smile, while scooping her up from her crib, hoping to not wake up her siblings. We spend a good hour or more playing with dolls and reading books- just the two of us. She exudes affection, always generous to dole out hugs, and say “I love you” in her sweet voice.
Her personality shines, with a precious smile, ear to ear, with cutest littles giggle to compliment. She understands when you are trying to be funny, and she’s been known to play a trick or two on someone. She hides my phone or toys in my purse, and when I finally discover them she laughs endlessly, at her little joke. Maybe she will become the jokester of the family.
Her vocabulary seemed develop overnight, and now, she can hold a conversation. She utters every word you say, and has become as smart as a whip. Always looking up to her brother and sister, she does her best to keep up, never missing a beat.
Watching her sprout and coming into her own over this past year has been so fulfilling. She does follow her siblings, but she is still knows what she likes, as she develops into this pint sized independent person. The jump from one to two years old is huge. The milestones are significant, and I try to absorb it all, as she grows so quickly. It’s hard to believe but we are entering into the next phase of firsts, like sleeping in a big girl bed, potty training, and school in September.
Recently, she started ballet classes, just like her big sis Siella; and she absolutely loves it. She is attentive in class and follows direction. Afterwards, throughout the day, she seems to be dancing along on her tippy toes. It’s the most incredible thing when you actually see your child develop an interest and absolutely love something; and for both of my girls, ballet is that something. Sure, there are other classes and activities, but nothing quite like ballet.
Gemma celebrated her birthday a few times this month, with three different cakes, celebrated with friends and family. On her actual birthday, we kept it simple, by inviting her little friends over for a playdate. I ordered a huge bouquet of balloons for her, which she toted around with her all day long; and every time someone asked her how old she was she would hold up two little fingers, while screaming out two. I know she felt special that day, and her big brother and sister made sure to reinforce that special feeling.
Happy birthday my sweet baby girl. You will always be my baby!
2 thoughts on “Terrific Two!”
Happy happy birthday sweet Gemma!!!
I’ve been following your blog for about three years now, and I remember you being pregnant with her and taking her home from the hospital. She has grown so much and is just the cutest little girl ever!