The one holiday movie that my children continue to watch repeatedly would be The Polar Express, as a result of a train infatuation with Ryder, which began when he was a year old. It started with the Thomas the Tank trains, that he collected throughout the earlier years, and finally for his fifth birthday, his first Lionel Train Set, which happened to be Polar Express themed. The rest was history and he has been collecting trains ever since.
So when the Peninsula Hotel here in NYC invited my family for a Polar Express themed tea party, my immediate response was YES! The event is open to all ages, as they play out a journey to North Pole with a Polar Express book reading by the Conductor himself. Situated in the hotel’s Gotham Lounge, children have the option to come dressed in their favorite pajamas, where they will enjoy hot chocolate, tea, cookies and other treats.
Upon arrival, the kids were glued to the Polar Express train circling the main table, and they were even allowed to drive it. After multiple trips to the hot chocolate bar, where they mixed up their own hot drinks, the conductor handed out “train tickets” for their magical journey to the North Pole on the Polar Express.
Even having heard the story hundred of times, Ryder and Siella were in their glory and enjoying every part of our afternoon. When the conductor (who really did emulate the character in the movie) was reading, portions of the soundtrack were played over the speakers to give it the full effect.
After the reading, each child was gifted a magic bell and a cupcake. The bells were an extra special gift, which was a very nice end to a lovely afternoon. The next Polar Express Tea will take place this Saturday, December 5, 2015.
A Gingerbread House Decorating Class is another family event offered by The Peninsula Hotel this season. The holiday favorite is taking place on December 12, 2015, and children and families alike can join in on the festivities, complete with a child-friendly Afternoon Tea and storytelling by Mrs. Claus. For more information visit