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Country Tales

Camp finished last Friday, so I’ve been busy trying to plan the remainder of our summer. Before school starts, I am determined take on as many adventures with the kids as possible. These activities don’t have to be extravagant, and even a romp at a new playground will do. Over the weekend, we headed upstate for our friend’s daughter’s birthday. Two of my best friends were there with their families, and after years of sharing vacations and holidays, the kids are like cousins.

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On the way upstate, the kids thought we were going just for a party, but they had no idea what they were in store for. In fact, neither did Jason and I. The afternoon started with swimming in the large lake, sitting just off the back of the house. They jumped off the docks, splashed around, and even spotted turtles. Jason even took a bunch of the kiddies in a canoe, which they all loved, even though Jason was having a hard time maneuvering it. But that’s what happens when you put a city dad in the country!

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Next, the boys set out on a hike. Picture it, two of them in oversized wells, one with a net, and the others with sticks in hand. They only made it partially up a creek, but came back with frogs, tadpoles, and even some crayfish. How adventurous! And the girls, while not getting their toes too dirty, played dress up and with their dollies in the picturesque countryside.

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The kids haven’t stopped talking about it, and they’ve asked repeatedly, when are we going back to the country. Most of our getaways are beach communities, so I think they need a little more mother nature in their lives. As the weekend came to an end, Jason and I were saying how grateful we are for our amazing friends, and how lucky we are to give them kids these opportunities. I think we are #doingood this summer. If you’re looking for an easy way to create summer memories take a look at this video from Hey Kayli. Share it with a friend who can use a little inspiration these last few weeks of summer and let them know they’re #doingood.

While summer can be challenging with kids home, high temperatures and long days. A simple little escape whether it’s a cold treat or a day away can make such an impression on them.


This post is sponsored by Minute Maid #doingood campaign via Social Stars. 

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  1. Pingback: Tales From The Lake | Stunner Daily

  2. Pingback: Tales From The Lake | Stroller in the City

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