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vlog 6: Getting Into Our Groove

I’ve said this before, but September is basically the start of our new year. There were many changes this school season for us, so we are just trying to get into the groove and adjust to our schedules.

In this week’s vlog, Gemma learns to skip. She’s been practicing every single day and it’s hilarious to watch!

The weather has been super warm and we really haven’t been experiencing a fall.

Soccer season has been going great for Ryder and Siella!

Jason has been traveling a ton and has only been here two weekends this month!

We’ve managed to capture quite a few sun rises and sun sets, something I cherish the most.

And here is vlog 6!

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14 thoughts on “vlog 6: Getting Into Our Groove”

  1. Stacie @ Divine Lifestyle

    You know, when I watch your vlog or read your blog, I always fantasize about living in the city. It seems like such a great place to raise a family.

  2. I always love to read about your family or watch your vlog. You guys always look like you have such a happy life. Your kids are crazy cute.

  3. Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly

    Where has Jason been off to? I love capturing photos of sunrises and sunsets especially at the Beach! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. It sounds like your Fall has been going really well! You have to love it when you get some extra warm days to enjoy the outdoors!

  5. I don’t get to see many sunrises but it’s my mission to. There’s nothing like a beautiful sunset over the city! I love watching your vlogs! Go Gemma!!

  6. Kelly Hutchinson

    I would just love to get to see some of those city sunrises and sunsets! I bet it is spectacular in person!

  7. Stunning photos. I love catching sun rises and sun sets as well. There is something special about that time of the day.

  8. It looks like you had an awesome month! The kids were so much fun to watch in the vlog. Days spent with them are always so fun.

  9. What a fun month! It’s great that soccer has been going so nice for two of your kids! It looks like you guys had a great month even with all the changes.

  10. Sounds like you have been so busy this fall! It is so nice to capture those special moments and the little things that are going on. It helps hold onto the years that go by so quickly.

  11. I finally feel settled in the year, and like we’ve got our own groove. Your sweet family makes it all look so fun. Now I want to see if my little one can skip.

  12. We didn’t get to experience much of a fall either. It’s either been super hot or extremely cold. Not in between weather!

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