I truly cannot believe we are almost halfway through November. How did this happen?! The holidays are very quickly approaching, and my kids are quite excited to start reading some holiday themed books. There’s something magical about reading festive holiday books as a kid. It’s important to me that my kids’ library is constantly changing, so they can keep up with their reading and use their imaginations. They get reading homework from school, but I always want to make sure that we have books in the house that they enjoy reading and would pick at a bookstore, themselves. I want them to look forward to their reading time!
I have a tough question to ask: does anyone have a book from their childhood that sticks out in your mind as being your all-time favorite? I’ve been racking my brain and trying to come up with what I think mine might have been and show it to my kids to see if they’d like to read it. There just are so many great reads, that it’s difficult to narrow it down. That’s not a bad problem to have, though! A fun family conversation to have this Thanksgiving might be to see what books your children enjoy the most and why!
I’m excited for all of you to see this list, as I feel like it might be one of the most fun ones yet! They aren’t all holiday themed stories, but I wanted to make sure to pop in a few of them to get into the holiday spirit for next month. There’s even some cute Thanksgiving themed books! Of course, as always, I have hand chosen 15 books of a variety so hopefully all of you can find something you’d like to read either with your child or have them read themselves!